Happy Week, Beloved Family! 💨
This week, we praise God for:
💟 Karina is grateful for all of your prayers for Alejandro, especially after getting vaccinated and not feeling well. Please keep him and his shipmates in your prayers throughout their deployment.
💟 Bianca and Vishal are earnestly grateful for their Week of Love and how helpful it was to have dinner delivered every day during their first week as parents.
We are also praying for:
🛐 Maria, who has been suffering from Tinnitus in her ear. She’s asking for prayer as she is going to see a specialist. Let’s ask for wisdom and for the doctor to offer her much-needed relief and healing.
🛐 Alex's neighbor, Angie, who has contracted Covid. May the Lord protect her and keep her from serious illness.
🛐 A dear friend of Doris’, whose entire family is dealing with Covid and underlying conditions. May the Lord protect them and heal them.
🛐 Doris, and her daughters, Jackie, Amanda and their children, Skylar, Heaven Lee, Dorian, Zaire and Amir. May God keep working miracles in their lives.
🛐 Karina, to be led by God regarding her return to in-person school. May it be God’s will.
🛐 John Vega, whose surgery was postponed. Let's keep praying for God's timing and His protection over John.
🛐 Our beloved Seth, that God would be with him each and every day and that He would continue to bless and protect Seth in everything he does and everywhere he goes!
🛐 Karina asked that we keep praying for Tamara, that she will be convinced that God has great plans for her...greater than she can ask or imagine!
🛐 Anna Ortiz, who was in cancer remission, but the cancer has returned with a vengeance and is now in her bones. Please pray for her during this process. Pray for her family as well!
Today's Devotional was shared by Marisol.🕯️
Thank you for the awesome perspective! 💝
Hate has four letters, so does Love
Enemies has seven letters, so does Friends.
Lying has five letters, so does Truth.
Negativity has 10 letters, so does Positivity.
Cry has three letters, so does Joy.
Anger has five letters, so does Happy.
Right has five letters, so does wrong
Hurt has four letters, so does heal.
We all have a choice to take any negative and turn it into a positive. We have the choice To choose God's way over the enemy's way.
We were called to be a light in the world and that means choosing the things, behaviors and the attitudes that bring light into a situation instead of darkness.
Don't just look at the list above but take a look at your own life and see what you can turn around to bring a smile instead of tears.
I personally want to thank each of you for taking this terrible situation that we've been in for the past year, and instead of just sitting around in the dark, feeling sorry for yourselves, you've each taken the time and the energy to turn it into something that brought light into all of our lives. I wanted to do the same. I hope that this has brought light into your life. Let's keep being Light-God's light, to one another. And I pray that even when things get back to normal, we will still continue to get together this way and share good thoughts and good lessons and good stories about how good God has been to all of us. Stories of light and not of darkness. God bless you all.
Love, Marisol